Exploring the Religions of Our World Chapter 2 Review Questions
Exploring the Religions of Our Earth Chapter ii: Judaism
Chapter ii: Judaism A Living Organized religion one. Judaism is the religion practiced by Jesus when he was living on earth; Jews not responsible for his death. 2. Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible and a religion all the same longing for God's chosen one but non essence of Judaism 3. Personal & communal prayer, Torah study, & lived holiness rather than abstract doctrine, one God, the nation & people of Israel, sacred places & times 4. Being a Jew has both an ethnic & a religious connotation. 5. A religious Jew practices Judaism; an ethnic Jew may or may not practice Judaism; worldwide; focus on religious 6. Mark Twain's clarification in 1899 Harper'southward Magazine
Modern Menses 1783 CE- nowadays Medieval Period 638 CE - 1783 CE Rabbinic Menstruation 323 BCE – 625 CE Biblical Catamenia 1800 BCE – 323 BCE Chapter 2, Section i: A Brief History of Judaism Periods of Jewish History
Affiliate ii, Section ane: A Brief History of Judaism n Thousands of years of twisting history outset with Moses & Abraham n Minority grouping from the Sinai desert; vast contribution to Western culture Biblical Catamenia (1800 BCE – 323 BCE) northward Abraham to death of Alexander the Swell north Organized religion and obedience of Abraham to exit Ur, Mesopotamia with Sarah n Settled in Fertile Crescent & 3 promises fulfilled (land = Canaan, people = Isaac to habiru to Hebrews, approving = later with Law and Covenants) due north Nomadic and foreign controlled to agricultural to Egyptian slaves to covenantal people under Moses and Joshua believing in one God n After 400 years necessary to reconquer Promised Land n Confederation of tribes to kingdom nether Saul, David, & Solomon n Jerusalem with Temple past Solomon became a political & religious center n Oral tradition began to be written down equally Torah = law or instruction northward Power and comfort led to secularism so God sent prophets like Samuel & Nathan to call up to covenant & monotheism away from idolatry n Kingdom divided; conquered—North 722 Assyrians; Due south 586 Babylonians n Exile purified culture & organized religion; Cyrus allows Jews to return; Torah completed, Temple rebuilt, & Wisdom literature emerges
Chapter 2, Section 1: A Brief History of Judaism Rabbinic Period (323 BCE – 625 CE) n north n due north Classical Judaism--Death of Alexander to Muslim conquest of Jerusalem Strange occupation & conquest led to Diaspora = Jews not in Judea Greek Antiochus IV seized Temple & banned Judaism Maccabean revolt in 168 regained Temple in 165 BCE Hellenization led to synagogues & schools under Philo of Alexandria Synthesis of Greek philosophy & Jewish theology—septuagint = 70 Sectarianism—Sadducees (Zadok, strict), Pharisees (loose, resurrection, angels, & miracles), & Essenes (monastic, scrupulous, Qumran, Dead Sea S. ) n Romans conquered Greeks in 63 BCE and Temple in seventy CE n Sectarianism disappeared in ebb of rabbis—spiritual leasders of Judaism today due north Shammai & Hillel most prominent among dozens & interpretations • n northward The Golden Dominion—"Whatever is hateful to you do not exercise to your neighbour. " Babylonian and Jerusalem/Palestinian Talmud— 200 CE Growing tension between Jews & Jewish Christians aggravated past Gentiles led to separation by 150 CE to protect Jewish faith & culture
Chapter 2, Department 1: A Cursory History of Judaism Rabbinic Period cont. (323 BCE – 625 CE) n Hadrian put down Simon bar Kociba'due south ("Kochba" & "son of the star") revolution in 130 CE, congenital shrine to Jupiter, renamed Palestine & banned Jews due north Hybrid Jews of the Diaspora were protected past Roman Empire & attracted converts due to moral code & monotheism as did Christians n Empire declined & Diocletian divide at finish of 3 rd century CE north Constantine reconquered & legalized Christianity due to vision of cross due north Judaism declined in the Empire but not earlier allowing Christianity to spread through their network of synagogues northward As Empire totally vicious in the West, Christianity was strong plenty to form alliances with barbaric "states" that were emerging—spiritual & temporal pope
Chapter two, Section one: A Brief History of Judaism Medieval Menses (638 – 1783 CE) n due north n Diaspora spread farther away from Palestine Resurgence of learning—commentaries of Shlomo ben Itsak "Rashi" French Jew Moses Maimonides attempted to reconcile philosophy & Jewish theology "No contradiction between Aristotle and Jewish religion" Jews were persecuted as some other monotheistic religion Islam surfaced • Paid taxes for protection but free to worship & dominion cocky as second class Jerusalem captured and Dome of the Rock built over Holy of Holies Babylonian Jews flourished under Persian dominion & exploded when Muslims moved capital from Damascus to Baghdad & reintroduced Greek civilization—G to A to L Jewish merchant class arose with Muslim merchandise expansion as mediators First time Jews expand out of the Middle East—Spanish eye, Sephardim Muslim Berbers oust including Moses ben Maimon or Maimonides (RAMBAM) Persecution continued with Fr. & Ger. Crusaders—clothing, houses, & land Jews became moneylenders as trade system moved from castling to greenbacks
Chapter ii, Department i: A Cursory History of Judaism Medieval Period (638 – 1783 CE) north n n n n Pogroms in 13 thursday century England spurred clearing to Poland under Boleslav Security ended in the 17 th century—Ashkenazim & Yiddish Persecution spread to France, Germany, & Austria in xiv th century—black decease Spread back to Spain in 15 thursday century in the Spanish Inquisition & Reconquesta nether Ferdinand & Isabella—conversos = faux killed & never expelled in 1492 Disappeared from Spain where flourished in the 8 thursday-12 thursday centuries *Fled to Portugal, Italia, Netherlands, & Turkey (flourished under expansion of the Islamic Ottoman Empire) Protestant Reformation was no kinder—Martin Luther's Concerning the Jews and Their Lies advocated the devastation of everything Jewish Medieval Jews left materially and religiously poor on the margin of society 17 th century Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer "Principal of the Skillful Name" emphasized the presence of God in all aspects of Jewish life Bulletin spread into 18 thursday century Polish movement of Hasidism = pious institute today in Orthodox Judaism—devotion to God is as of import equally Torah study
Chapter ii, Section 1: A Cursory History of Judaism Modern Judaism (1783 CE -- Present) Age of Enlightenment led to Jewish philosophy of enlightenment Czarist Russia under Alexander III "May Laws" & The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; led to immigration Reform Judaism – advocates full integration into the culture where ane lives; Germany and belatedly U. S. Conservative Judaism – counteracts reformed Judaism, modifying Jewish traditions in a limited fashion; U. Southward. Orthodox Judaism – the virtually traditional wing, insists its members strictly follow the Torah Reconstructionist Judaism – advocates Judaism as a culture, not simply a religion; God not omnipotent and Torah not inspired Zionism – nineteen th century motion to restore Jewish homeland in Palestine; Holocaust catalyzed; 1948 Country of Israel past United nations *Half-dozen Day War 1967 captured Jerusalem & opened holy sites to all; tension continues to this day
You Tube Videos: Judaism n The Promised Land of the Jews n Overview of Judaism
Chapter 2, Section 1 Review Questions 1. two. 3. 4. five. 6. 7. What did the Hebrews become in the 40 years it took to render to Canaan from Egypt? After the death of Solomon, why did the kingdom become more vulnerable to outside attacks? What is the diaspora? Co-ordinate to Rabbi Hillel, what is the summation of the Torah? Who is Moses Maimonides, & what did he argue for? Ascertain Hasidism Name the four types of Judaism in the Modernistic era.
Affiliate two, Section 2: Sacred Stories & Scriptures n Several sources of Sacred Jewish writing centers effectually the Torah or commencement 5 books of the Hebrew bible; non just theoretical just applied & concrete n Bible central to Jewish life; Hebrew Bible = Christian One-time Testament Tanakh (acronym) due north Torah—law in Gn. , Ex. , Lv. , Nm. , & Dt. ; most of import; Five Books of Moses (author); source of 613 laws (248+ & 365 -); non all livable; handwritten artistic scrolls; ane yr cycle starting time later Sukkot n Nevi'im--prophets n Ketuvim--writings northward Oral Torah = explanation & interpretation of Written Torah • Written, codification, & arranged near 200 CE by Yehudad Ha Nasi (Judah the Prince) • Mishnah = teaching • 6 Sections—agriculture & land; holidays; family unit life; relations with others; sacrifices & dietary laws; ritual purity
Chapter two, Section ii: Sacred Stories & Scriptures cont. Talmud n In the wake of the devastation of the 2nd Temple in lxx CE two centers of rabbinic Judaism emerged—Judea outside Jerusalem (refugees) & Babylonia (ancestors of exiled Israelites) due north Commentaries & discussions known as learnings from reading & studying the Tanakh, particularly the Torah, & Mishnah n Two versions arose—Palestinian or Jerusalem & Babylonian (more administrative) Midrash (key word) n Ways to examine or seek out north A way of interpreting the Tanakh • Uses imagination & story to run across how far the text will become like hist. fiction n Found in the Talmud only not a item book n Makes employ of various literary genres as a literary genre itself n Assumes that the Scriptures provide answers for every question & situation n Non unique to Judaism—Ben Hur
Chapter 2, Department 2: Sacred Stories & Scriptures cont. Sacred writings Tanakh Torah First five books The Hebrew Bible Nevi'im Prophets Ketuvim Writings
Chapter two, Section two: Sacred Stories & Scriptures cont. Other sacred writings Jerusalem Talmud commentary Babylonian Talmud Midrash commentary Biblical interpretation
Chapter two, Section ii Review Questions 1. 2. iii. 4. What are three divisions of the Tanakh? Do Non Take TO Reply #two What is the difference between the Oral Torah & the Written Torah? What is Midrash?
You Tube Videos: Judaism n The Hebrew Bible north Jewish Scriptures
Affiliate two, Department 3: Behavior & Practices north Summary = "God gave the Torah to Israel" (people w/ a purpose non an area) God northward due north Sh'ma (daily)—"Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One" (Dt. half dozen: 4) Monotheistic, Exists, One, Creator, Good, Supreme No formal doctrines that articulate beliefs Desires goodness from his creation (Dt. 10: 12 -13) • Fear, walk ways, dearest, serve all heart & soul, keep commands & decrees Torah n north due north God'south self revelation that provides central source for living Most sacred of objects—formality/reverence/exord. & intimacy/familiarity/ord. Ark, prayers b 4/later on, procession, reverence past touch, osculation, or dance, joyous Police force or teaching that penetrates all aspects of life—run into with God & will Not sterile or intellectual but spiritual practice
Affiliate two, Section 3: Behavior & Practices cont. Torah (cont. ) due north northward Keep Torah to keep constabulary/commandments of God = human relationship 613 words of Decalogue for 613 commandments not x = mitzvot Guide for happiness & freedom non bondage History = estimation & application of mitzvot to new situations = halakhah Israel n n due north God's Chosen People in the sense of holy and separate Originate with Abram—Abraham (Gn. 12) leaving fatherland of Ur Faith in ane God gifted with progeny, land, & blessing/expletive for own & others Privilege—covenant = solemn binding agreement between God & human being Responsibility—active not passive choice to accept God & his commandments, to lives of holiness, that are examples to humanity n Passed downward among generations—traditionally by blood n Traditional Judaism = detect commandments & halakhic obligations
Chapter 2, Section 3: Behavior & Practices cont. Sh'ma "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One" (Deuteronomy half dozen: four)
Chapter 2, Section three: Beliefs & Practices cont. Mitzva 613 commandments God gave Moses 2 Torahs: § Oral § Written Judaism can be summed upwardly in three words: § God Torah, Israel
Chapter 2, Department 3: Beliefs & Practices cont. God'south covenant with Israel: "The Chosen People" "I have given you as a covenant to the people, a calorie-free to the nations" (Isaiah 42: vi)
You Tube Videos: Judaism due north Behavior & Practices n Shema
Chapter two, Section 3 Review Questions 1. two. 3. four. 5. What do Jews believe almost God? What do Jews empathise the Torah to be? How are both reverence & familiarity operational with the Torah? When did the call to be a Chosen People originate with the Jews? What does it mean to say that Jews are God's Chosen People?
Affiliate 2 Judaism Sacred Times Annual Feasts: Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New year's day, feast of Trumpets Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement (10 days afterwards Rosh Hashanah ) Pesach – Passover (God'due south saving Hebrews) Sukkot – Feast of Tabernacles/Booths (Desert times) Shavuot – Harvest festival / Moses' reception of Torah Hanukkah – Festival of Lights (menorah) Purim – Feast of Lots
Chapter 2 Judaism Sacred Times (continued) Shabbat – the Jewish Sabbath • Weekly event • Begins Sunset Friday through dusk Saturday • Obedience to fourth commandment • Jews rest on the seventh day, equally God did • Shabbat dinner – Friday evening • Celebrated as a family with Ritual Prayers, candles, vino, bread (at dwelling house more than the synagogue
Chapter 2 Judaism Sacred Places and Sacred Spaces Temple is associated with ritual sacrifices Temple was destroyed in lxx CE Synagogue House of prayer House of written report House of assembly Home Sabbath and Passover Prayer
Chapter 2 Judaism Sacred Places and Sacred Spaces (continued) At Passover, Jews pray, "Side by side year in Jerusalem" Land of Israel (AKA: ) • Israel • Canaan • Promised Land • Judea • Palestine • Land of Israel Jerusalem (AKA: ) • Holiest city • City of David • Temple • Holy city for: Judaism, Christianity, Islam
Chapter two Judaism through a Catholic Lens Judaism Commonalities History Scripture Liturgy Rituals Theology Christianity
Chapter 2 Judaism through a Catholic Lens (continued) Differences Judaism Still awaits a Messiah or messianic age to come up Messiah would exist a human (not God) warrior-king, political figure from the House of David Christianity Jesus was the Messiah Jesus is God Jesus will return at the two nd coming
Affiliate 2 Judaism through a Catholic Lens (continued) Jewish influences in Catholicism Jewish The Hebrew Bible Passover meal Passover Shavuot Christian Old Attestation The Lord'due south Supper Holy Thursday Pentecost
Chapter 2 Judaism - Vocabulary due north n n Torah Idolatry Diaspora Hellenization Septuagint Sadducees Pharisees Essenes Rabbi Talmud Monotheistic north n n due north n Pogroms n Yiddish due north Hasidism north Zionism northward Tanak due north due north Mishnah north Midrash n Sh'ma northward Conversos Holy of Holies Mitzvoth Covenant Shabbat Pesach Yom Kippur Rosh Hashanah Mezuzah Kosher Arranged marriage
Chapter 2 Judaism - Vocabulary Torah – ane st five books of the Bible, Pentateuch, Idolatry – giving worship to something other than God Diaspora – Jews living outside Judea (Holy Land) Hellenization – The adoption of Greek ways and speech Septuagint – " 70" translators of Jewish scriptures to Greek Sadducees – Jewish leaders who strictly interpreted Torah Pharisees – Loose interpretation of Torah (resurrection) Essenes – Monastic Jews responsible for Dead Body of water scrolls Rabbi – My Teacher religious leader who teaches and judges Talmud – Books of commentaries on the interpretation of Torah Monotheistic – A belief on one God Shoah – Hebrew for "calamity", refers to holocaust in WWII
Chapter ii Judaism - Vocabulary Pogrom – the massacre and expulsion of a minority Yiddish – a language developed from German and Hebrew Hasidism – Meaning pious, founded past devout Polish Jews, called Orthodox Jews today Zionism – the movement which sought the creation of a Jewish home state (now Israel) Tanakh - The Hebrew word for the Jewish bible Mitzvot – A commandment of the Jewish constabulary Mishnah – the oral Torah or instruction Midrash – Biblical interpretation typically found in the Talmud'due south, which can provide answers for every state of affairs in life Sh'ma – "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One" Dt 6: 4
Chapter 2 Judaism - Vocabulary Covenant – a binding, solemn understanding or sacred promise between God and His people Shabbat – The Sabbath, begins at sunset on Friday Pesach – Passover, an almanac repast celebrating the Exodus Yom Kippur - Day of Amende, the holiest day of the yr Mezuzah – the parchment of Sh'ma in the right doorpost Kosher – Hebrew for proper, refers to permitted dietary laws Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year Holy of Holies – The sanctuary within the tabernacle in the Temple of Jerusalem Conversos – the Spanish Jews who converted to Christianity at the fourth dimension of the Castilian Inquisition
Source: https://slidetodoc.com/exploring-the-religions-of-our-world-chapter-2-3/
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